
Detachment of Massachusetts


Americanism Chairman Gene Theroux


Americanism is one of the four pillars that the American Legion was founded on.  We all need to do a better job to get Americanism programs addressed in all Squadron meetings.  The info everyone receives in the Detachment meetings, mailings, via email, and other means is a great start, but how much of this info is discussed, or even mentioned during a Squadron meeting?  How many Squadron members, know about our programs?  


These are questions that we all should ask. I’m not saying I have the answers, but I do have some suggestions. Adjutants; do you have a line item for an Americanism report in your Squadron meeting agenda?  Do you know who your Detachment Americanism Chairman is? And have you asked him to attend your meeting and be prepared to give a report? 

Squadron Commanders/Adjutants

Squadron Commanders, are you sending a representative to your Detachment Meetings?    When those representatives attend your next Squadron meeting, is the info they received then passed along to your Squadron members?  If your Post has a board for posting notifications of events and happenings, have you posted information you have received regarding Americanism from your Detachment mailings, emails, or other means?  Does your Post have a newsletter?  That would be a great place to get the word out, ask your Detachment Americanism Representative to share some notes.   Have you considered asking your Detachment Americanism Chairman to make a Squadron visit to share some Americanism info directly with your Squadron members?

Detachment Representatives

When you attend any meeting, never go empty handed, bring printed information with you.  Bring printed brochures from HQ, or at a minimum, make copies of articles and bring them with you to meetings to hand out; put them in each attendee’s hand, or at a minimum, place a supply on a literature table if available. You should also make everyone aware of the Americanism awards that can be earned at both the Detachment and National levels.

Everyone’s Job

We are all leaders, please show and share this with your leadership; spread the word of this pillar of the American Legion.  What Americanism covers is extremely broad, so should all of our efforts to get the word out about these programs!

Pillar 3: Americanism https://www.legion.org/pillars/211656/pillar-3-americanism

American Legion Americanism_Manual

Flying Flags for Heroes

Department of Massachusetts American Legion Family Scouting