
Detachment of Massachusetts



“Snapshots of Service” contest


At the urging of the National Executive Committee’s Public Relations Commission, The S.A.L. has created the “Snapshots of Service” photo contest to help showcase the activities of Sons as they support the Four Pillars of the American Legion: Americanism, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, Children and Youth and National Security. The contest helps us collect photos that highlight activities of Sons throughout the country and also allows the national organization to develop a data base of photos that will be used to promote the many programs and outstanding work of Sons. Information regarding the submission of photos for the “Snapshots of Service” contest can be found on the S.A.L. national website at SAL: Share your Snapshots of Service | The American Legion.

Photos must be submitted by individual squadrons and each squadron may submit up to three photos per category each year. Each photo must include one or more members of the S.A.L. who are wearing Sons covers or identifyable clothing. Plaques will be awarded to the two best entries in each category. Judging will take place at the National Convention and will be based on the quality of each photo and which photo best symbolizes S.A.L. support for the Four Pillars. Send photos and signed releases as instructed from the Snapshots of Service form available HERE